地址:2800 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314

学校简介About Us



史泰登岛分校成立于是2002年八月, 是新泽西、 纽约和宾州三州华夏中文学校属下的第13所分校。华夏中文学校是一所非盈利的教育机构,其主要职能是教授中国语言, 推广和弘扬中华文化,服务社区。在中文教育中, 侧重培养学生的听、说、读、写四方面的综合能力。学校使用汉语拼音和简体字课本教 授中文,中、高年级使用简、繁体字对照 表学习汉字。 学校还会定期举办中文朗 读、阅读、作文和绘画比赛, 包括各类校际竞赛。

学校还开设各类才艺课程, 如中国民族舞, 培养学生多方面的爱好, 同时启发和引导学生们对中文及中华文化的热爱。本校除开设普通中文班外,还开设了双语班,服务母语非国语家庭的学生。

Hua Xia Chinese School Staten Island opened in August 2002 and is the thirteenth branch of Hua Xia Chinese Schools since its first establishment in 1995.Hua Xia is a non-profit educational organization and is one of the few schools on Staten Island that teaches Pin Yin and simplified Chinese characters. The major goal of the school is to promote Chinese culture, serve the community, and provide a place and opportunity for both students and their parents to share their ideas and experiences.

Hua Xia Chinese School S.I. admits students of any race, color and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities made available to students at the School.

联系我们 | Contact Us

Welcome to Huaxia Chinese School Staten Island Branch!
地址 | Address: College of Staten Island, 2800 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314

赞助商 | Our Sponsors

欢迎商家联系我们,请电邮huaxiasi.org@gmail.com | Grow your business, advertise here. Please contact huaxiasi.org@gmail.com

Sandy Liang
Michelle Zhou
Brenda Jiang