家长须知Rules for Parents
- 中文学校是每位家长自己的学校。家长的支持与合作是办好学校的前提。家长们应该关心学校,爱护学校,一切从学校利益出发,协助校务人员和家长会,共同把学校办好。
- 关心自己孩子在学习上的进步和困难,从正面引导孩子学习中文的兴趣。多和老师进行交流,鼓励和帮助孩子学好中文。
- 督促,帮助自己的孩子履行学生守则。在行为上给孩子们作榜样,协助学校执行规章制度。
- 服从学校的分班和教室的安排。任何意见要求,请向校务机构商榷。切不可进入教室或与老师发生争执。学生上课时,未经老师允许,家长不能进入教室,亦不能拥挤在门口或走廊上大声喧哗,以免影响老师上课。
- 放学回家后,要及时检查和了解孩子的作业情况,老师的要求,和学校的通知,并积极配合,督促孩子按时完成老师布置的作业。
- 家长在校内须遵守学校的各项制度,服从学校和家长会工作人员的安排,协助维护学校秩序和学生安全。不得在校内扰乱秩序,骂人打架。
- 积极参加家长大会及与老师的座谈会。听取教学,办学,财务报告。随时向校委会提出有关意见和建议。
- 严禁在学校吸烟。
- 各位家长应将车子停在规定的停车位置。不要将车子停在防火线内。
- 请各位家长按时接送孩子。
- 每周五请上学校网站(www.huaxiasi.org)查看学校通知。
- Huaxia Chinese School – Staten Island Branch, is founded and owned by all the parents / guardians. Parental support & cooperation is vital to the success of HXCS-Staten Island Branch.
- Assist the teacher in making the process of learning Chinese at Huaxia both enjoyable and engaging. Maintain Constant communication with the classroom teacher.
- Encourage and assist the student to follow all school policies and rules.
- Respect the classroom arrangement given by School Administration.
- Parents / guardians are only allowed in the classroom with permission from the teacher or school administration.
- Assist the student with their class work/homework without actually completing the work for them.
- Comply with all school rules and cooperate with the school and the Parent Council to maintain school order and ensure student safety. Any act of insubordination or fighting is strictly prohibited.
- Attend all parent-teacher and school-parent conferences regarding administion, instructional and financial. Constructive suggestions to the school is strongly encouraged and issues welcomed.
- By law, smoking is strictly prohibited on school grounds.
- Please park Your car in an appropriate parking area and not within the fire line.
Please send and pick up children on time. - Please check the school’s notice on our school’s website(www.huaxiasi.org)every Friday.