地址:2800 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314

学生守则Rules for Students

  1. 按时到校上课, 不迟到早退。 因故需晚到, 早退或缺席者, 必须由家长事先向老师请假。
  2. 尊敬老师,遵守课堂纪律。学生须坐在指定的座位。上课时不得在课堂里随便讲话,走动,进出教室,或做其它影响老师上课的事情。上厕所须向老师报告。下课铃响后,要等老师宣布下课后,才可离开教室。如有严重影响课堂秩老师有权请其离开教室,送到校务办公室,并通知其家长。情节严重者,学校有权将其停课或开除,并向总校备案。
  3. 按时完成家庭作业, 参加学校和老师安排的测验和考试。 若因故不能上课, 亦须补齐作业。
  4. 遵守学校制度。 上课不能吃零食或喝饮料。
  5. 爱护学校设施。不得擅自动用,拿走,损坏学校的电脑,教具,墙报,书籍或其它物品。不得进入无人使用的教室。凡损坏学校物品者均须按价赔偿。
  6. 保持学校环境清洁。不随便扔纸屑或其它垃圾。不得在学校的任何地方乱涂乱写,包括桌,椅,墙,地。没有老师许可,不得在黑板上写字或擦掉别人写 的字。
  7. 衣着整洁。 学校将不允许任何人穿内衣或者拖鞋进入学校。
  8. 学校鼓励学生随时向老师或校务组提出意见,建议,和对任何不合理现象的批评。
  1. On-time attendance is required for all students. A written note or verbal notification by the parent /guardian is required for any absence, early dismissal, or late arrival.
  2. Show respect for the teachers and fellow students. Follow the school’s code of conduct. Students shall sit in the assigned classroom when class is in session. Teacher’s permission is required for leaving the classroom during the class. The class will be dismissed when the teacher announces it to the class. The teachers will handle any student misconduct regarding routine problems. However, some cases will be brought to the School Administration Office, resulting in a parent-teacher or parent-school conference to resolve the issue. In a serious case, suspension or school dismissal may be needed and applied. Any dismissal case will be reported to the Main School of Huaxia for archive.
  3. Promptly complete all homework and participate in tests and other exams arranged by the school and teacher. Any work missed while the student is absent from school must be made up.
  4. Food and drinks are not permitted in any rooms or hallways other than the school cafeteria.
  5. It is prohibited to use, remove, and/or damage any school property, such as computers, teaching materials, books, etc. Do not enter an unoccupied classroom without the school’s permission. Full restitution by the parent/guardian is required for all damage done to school property by their child.
  6. Maintain the school’s cleanness. Show respect to the people and property. Any vandalism to the school or its property is strictly prohibited.
  7. All students are expected to dress appropriately at all times.
  8. Constructive suggestions or criticism to the teacher and school are welcome.

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Welcome to Huaxia Chinese School Staten Island Branch!
地址 | Address: College of Staten Island, 2800 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 10314

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Sandy Liang
Michelle Zhou
Brenda Jiang